Training and Accreditation


A music therapist is a professional who receives the designation of MTA (Music Therapist Accredited) upon completion of approved degree programs and internships.

In Canada, the Canadian Association for Music Therapy (CAMT), formed in 1974, is the official body that supervises the training and maintains ethical standards to govern these highly-qualified professionals.

Training to be a Music Therapist

Step 1: A University degree in music therapy

A degree in music therapy requires completion of academic study in the areas of music therapy research, music and psychology together with supervised clinical fieldwork placements.

Step 2: Supervised internship

1,000 hours of internship supervised by an Accredited Music Therapist.

Step 3: Accreditation File

The written portfolio submitted by the music therapy intern covers their music therapy philosophy, internship experience and case study.

Step 4: Accreditation Review Board

Each intern’s accreditation file is reviewed by the Board.  Upon approval he/she receives the professional designation of Music Therapist Accredited (MTA).

Step 5: Continuing Education

Accredited music therapists must maintain their credentials every five years through the CAMT continuing education process.

Music Therapy University Programs

There are six universities that provide CAMT-approved programs including training in clinical techniques and therapeutic processes, as well as musical subject areas.

Acadia University - Nova Scotia

Canadian Mennonite University - Manitoba 

Capilano University - British Columbia

Wilfrid Laurier University - Ontario 

Concordia University - Québec