Music Therapy Centre (MTC)

The Music Therapy Centre is a fully accessible street-front clinic in Toronto. It offers a broad range of programs delivered by accredited music therapists in an intimate clinical setting for one-on-one or group music therapy sessions. It also provides outreach programs in the community.

Click HERE for a printable information sheet.

Group Music Therapy Sessions:

Music therapy groups are developed for a broad range of people based on referral and need. For example, mom's with toddlers born with physical disabilities; support groups for caregivers; or youth with autism. Community organizations are welcome to create groups that serve their clients and can be provided at our clinic or off-site in the community. 

Individual Music Therapy Sessions:

Individual sessions are offered to provide one-on-one support and depending on the goals of the individual, are sometimes the best option. Working privately with a therapist ensures a therapeutic relationship that is focused solely on the individual and their needs. 

Guided Imagery and Music (GIM):

As a form of music psychotherapy, this specialized music therapy service helps individuals to explore consciousness through imagery experiences evoked by listening to specially recorded music programs. Our GIM therapists are fellows of the Association for Music and Imagery. One-on-one sessions are two hours and cost $100/session. For more information about GIM please visit

To contact the Music Therapy Centre, please click here.